s.c.virtes stamps

About SCV Stamps

I was a packet & mixture dealer off & on from 1983 to 1991, but now I'm a software developer. I am constantly buying unusual accumulations of stamps, and enjoy breaking them into "bite-sized" lots for resale.

We are a husband and wife team (Scott & Carmen) that has fun buying and selling stamps via our website, mail order, and through online auctions. Scott specializes in dead countries and Carmen likes to collect and buy topicals especially cat stamps.

I've bought a few pounds of new stamps lately, and a few unusual collections. I currently have about 60 shoeboxes of stamps around the house (mostly OFF paper), with a few more pounds on the way. After a rough week at work, I like to sort stamps to relieve stress.

Then, I either sell them or drown in them.

My wife Carmen & I had a table at the Powpex Stamp Show in November 1996, and had a good time. We have restocked since then, and will be putting more lots on the website soon.

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